Twice a year, our entire ESP magnet program comes together and celebrates both the fall and spring with an ESP wide feast. To see pictures on what these two events look like - Click Here
The Outdoor Adventure Club takes our students out of our neighborhoods and exposes them to the natural wonders found within and outside of Los Angeles. To learn more and see pictures - Click Here
The Boarders Club introduces our students to both the worlds of Surfing and Snowboarding. Our Students are given professional instructions and then are given the opportunity to test their own skills. To learn more and see videos - Click Here
Once a year, for 5 nights and 6 days, our students get to explore and learn about the water resources that are an intricate part of Southern California's drinking water. To see pictures over the years - Click Here
ESP's Yosemite Senior Trip! After 4 years of high school, our students are given the opportunity to explore one of Earth's most treasured National Parks as family and friends for one last go around as seniors. To see pictures over the years - Click Here
Every 2 to 4 years, all ESP students are given the opportunity to explore places worldwide or within the U.S. This club is open to all ESP students, but requires commitment and long term planning. To Learn more and see our photo gallery - Click Here